You can help us generated much needed funds through Facebook Fundraisers so we are able to take kitties in and pay for their medical bills so we are able to re-home them.

1. First, go the Facebook Fundraiser page by clicking here
2. Press charity and look up "London Inner City Kitties"
3. Decide on the amount you want to raise, when you would like your fundraiser to end, and a title for your fundraiser.
4. We also suggest adding a message to make it more personal (such as talking about the cats you may have adopted/fostered with us or asking for donations as a birthday gifts).
Here is some information about is that you could use if needed:
"London inner city kitties are volunteer run and operate using a foster carer network. Volunteers chip in for admin costs and they put 100% of donations directly towards medical bills."
Thank you so much for helping us raise money to help kitties!
Facebook doesn't have any commission or transaction fees, so we get all of the donation. And as per our spend policy, 100% donations goes towards medical bills.
How Can You Help Us?
L.I.C.K is a volunteer run charity, no one gets paid!
Every donation big or small allow us to do our work and care for all our cats and kittens.
All donations go towards medical costs.